Meet ConveyThis!

ConveyThis is a versatile online translation tool designed to make websites multilingual. It supports automatic translation combined with manual optimization for accuracy. It offers easy integration with various platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and WebFlow, among others. ConveyThis boasts features such as seamless language switching, SEO-friendly translations, and support for over 100 languages. It is compelling due to its user-friendly interface, comprehensive support for different website builders, and ability to enhance global reach and user engagement by catering to diverse linguistic audiences.

ConveyThis - the ultimate translation tool

Enhance Your Website's Reach with ConveyThis: The Ultimate Translation Tool

In today’s globalized digital world, having a multilingual website is essential. ConveyThis offers a powerful solution that not only translates your website but optimizes it for SEO and user experience. Here are the top 5 takeaways:

  1. Easy Integration: ConveyThis supports major platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and WebFlow, allowing for a seamless setup. You can quickly add the translation widget to your website without needing extensive technical knowledge.

  2. Manual Optimization: While ConveyThis provides automatic translations, it also allows for manual edits to ensure the accuracy and cultural relevance of your content. This dual approach ensures that your translations are both fast and precise.

  3. SEO-Friendly: The platform ensures that your translated content is optimized for search engines. This includes proper indexing and adherence to SEO best practices, helping your site rank higher in search results across multiple languages.

  4. Wide Language Support: ConveyThis offers translations into over 100 languages, catering to a diverse audience. Whether your target market is in Europe, Asia, or beyond, ConveyThis can help you reach them effectively.

  5. User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive interface makes it easy to manage translations. You can effortlessly switch between languages, monitor translation progress, and make necessary adjustments, ensuring a smooth user experience for your international visitors.